In Paris I bought some mini macaroons, then on the train they had these little mini cans, in case you couldn't guess I like mini things.
When we got to Scotland it was VERY cold but thankfully our hotel was just across the street on Princess street. Actually after we got off the train we found the exit to the street, it was a whole of stairs. We were looking at the stairs & Mimi was saying no way, when a girl with pink hair came up to us and said "ok here is the deal you need to take the lift up cross over the tracks take another lift down then there is a ramp." There were really just nice people everywhere we went.
See my princess bed.
We were so happy to be back in a nice hotel with our awesome view & heated towel rack. We rested for a bit, watched part of a Marilyn Monroe movie, Let's Make Love before going out.
I would like to take a moment to give a shout out to some of my favorite Scotsmen.
Chelsea kept trying to take pictures to twitter but said none of them showed how awesome it actually was. The below picture comes the closest to how crazy awesome Edinburgh was.
Here is a cool little alley way.One of the things on our list to do was eat at a pub, Mimi read about this one in Chelsea's book. It is called The Last Drop, it is suppose to be haunted because it is across from where the gallows use to be. The only thing it was haunted by was a cute waiter, good music, good food & a drink called Pooh Bear which Mimi adored (don't worry it was only steamed milk with honey & cinnamon, Imight be wrong about the cinnamon maybe it was nutmeg.
When going up the stairs Mimi said look Scottish chairs, so I ran and sat down in the Scottish chair so she could get a picture of me in it.
Chelsea told us to hurry because the lift was coming, all the lifts were small we could never fit all three of us with all three of our bags in one. Thankfully we didn't have any bags this trip up.
Do you see how pink my cheeks are, that is how cold it was outside.
When we got back to the room I closed the curtains to the window by my bed then went into the little nook it made and sat behind the curtain with my pillow looked out the window at the castle & wrote in my journal while listening to Travis.We were so happy to be back in a nice hotel with our awesome view & heated towel rack. We rested for a bit, watched part of a Marilyn Monroe movie, Let's Make Love before going out.
We freshened up and were ready to hit the town. This is what we saw as we walked out of our hotel. The lights & the mist were just magical.
Notice the building that says The Scotsman,I would like to take a moment to give a shout out to some of my favorite Scotsmen.
Chelsea kept trying to take pictures to twitter but said none of them showed how awesome it actually was. The below picture comes the closest to how crazy awesome Edinburgh was.
Here is a cool little alley way.One of the things on our list to do was eat at a pub, Mimi read about this one in Chelsea's book. It is called The Last Drop, it is suppose to be haunted because it is across from where the gallows use to be. The only thing it was haunted by was a cute waiter, good music, good food & a drink called Pooh Bear which Mimi adored (don't worry it was only steamed milk with honey & cinnamon, Imight be wrong about the cinnamon maybe it was nutmeg.
When going up the stairs Mimi said look Scottish chairs, so I ran and sat down in the Scottish chair so she could get a picture of me in it.
Chelsea told us to hurry because the lift was coming, all the lifts were small we could never fit all three of us with all three of our bags in one. Thankfully we didn't have any bags this trip up.
Do you see how pink my cheeks are, that is how cold it was outside.
How cool! Edinburgh almost looks gothic,maybe it's just because it's night, whatever it is I want to go!