Saturday Mimi & I were talking about how cute Debbie was and I said "I don't know how I got so lucky to have Debbie as my sister." And many times after Mimi does something awesome for me I think "everyone needs a Mimi". Without Mimi & Debbie this stuff you are about to read would not have happened.
Saturday was also the Project Book Babe benefit event that Mimi, Debbie & I volunteered at. We started off the day by having lunch with our friend Tamir and then heading over to the event. Where I sold raffle tickets, Mimi signed people in and Debbie got to hang out with
Shannon Hale, as her helper. Once Mimi & I got everyone signed in and the raffle tickets sold we went backstage with Debbie to help out with passing out the raffle items. When backstage Debbie had Shannon's camera and was snapping shots for her. One of my favorite moments was when all the authors were off stage in a huddle Debbie was getting photos and got down trying to get a shot and Shannon said "Debbie just lay down and get the shot" so Debbie laid down in the middle of all these authors and took pictures of them.
Edit here is the picture off Shannon Hales blog.
I was sad I didn't have my camera at that time to take the picture of Debbie. During the raffle Mimi & I got to be out on stage with all the authors helping with checking the winning tickets and stuff. Then they had the live auction which was just insane!!! They had us stand in front and make sure we did not miss any of the bidders.
Items Auctioned:
Stephenie Meyer's Eclipse prom dress: $5500
Advanced Readers Copy of Twilight: $1500
Epilogue to Forever Dawn: $ 5100
Eclipse Draft: $2600
The Host Draft: $1100
Lunch with Stephenie Meyer: $6500 each - The actually had a draw so two winners each paid this.
The Host Skateboard: $ 1500 - The Host Skateboard was designed by
Hobo Skate Company whose co-founder is my friends husband, they are both awesome...I am super excited for them!!!
After the auction they had a special reception for those who bought the 300 dollar tickets. Where they got books from all the authors and then went around and got to get them personally signed. We helped out by writing people's names down so they didn't have to keep spelling out their names.
Edit See Debbie and I tearing paper to write down names on. Brandon Mull & Shannon Hale...picture from Project Book Babe flickr
Once things started dying down I went out to my car and got my camera & my Shannon Hale books. While getting my books signed I got to talk to Shannon and man she is so super nice and funny. I also got to talk to another of my favorite authors Janette Rallison, I had already got her to sign my books at one of her signings. Man I know how to pick authors because seriously both Janette & Shannon are SO NICE and funny. Debbie decided that we needed to get a picture with Shannon, Janette and Stephenie. Thankfully it is much easier to have Shannon ask Stephenie to take a picture with us. We helped clean up and load some boxes before leaving. While walking out to the car I saw one of the bands that performed
Adam Watts Band and realized I never got one of the signed CD's they were giving away so I had Debbie go ask if they had anymore. He did but he wanted to know if I wanted it signed. When they asked I paused because I didn't want to make them sign it but then realized if I said no would be rude and my pause was rude, so with much as enthusiasm as I could muster I say something like yeah that would be great. But since I don't have much practice at being fake you could totally hear how fake my enthusiasm was. But Adam just laughed and said you can't say no you will hurt my feelings. Well we were all laughing but I did get them to sign it and they were all again very nice and had us all (all being Mimi, Debbie, Tamir & I) laughing. So I got to meet musicians, authors, and help raise money for breast cancer, it was my kind of day!

All the authors from the panel, Shannon making everyone laugh as usual.

Mimi took this picture with out saying one two three or anything...Is it just me or is Stephenie looking at Debbie and smiling.. I love this picture even if I am sticking my booty out so Shannon could put her arm around me.

Here is the one with the one two three and a little less booty.

Here are my books Shannon signed can you read what she wrote? I LOVE THEM!!!
For Austenland she wrote Mr. Darcy thinks you are Hot!!! (how did she know)
Oh and we came home and found out that Debbie had been on the news...Check it out
here...In the video Debbie is sitting next to the book babe, in the front row taking pictures for Shannon.
And if you did not see Shannon Hales blog you need to go
here and see. The first picture of Debbie and I am Debbie's cute sister Connie. - seriously so nice.