When I was younger around the age of eleven or twelve I loved to stay up late on Saturday nights and watch whatever black and white movie PBS was playing. One night PBS played Pride & Prejudice (the 1940 version with Greer Garson & Laurence Olivier). I loved Elizabeth with her sharp whit & pert opinions and of course was smitten with Mr. Darcy. The funny thing was I had never heard of Pride & Prejudice and did not realize it was even based off a book. Then a few years latter the BBC version came out all 300 glorious minuets. It was incredible going from an almost two hour movie to a five hour movie. For Christmas the next year I asked for all of Jane Austen’s books.
I have always felt a sort of kinship towards Jane Austen, and I think I know why now. Jane and I have something interesting in common. Jane came from a family of six boys and two girls, just like mine. Anyone who knows anything about Jane Austen knows how close she was to her older sister Cassandra. In their mother's words, "if Cassandra's head had been going to be cut off, Jane would have hers cut off too". Finding this out about Jane just helped me understand why I love her and her stories so much.
I could not add some pictures for all to enjoy.
Side note: If you like Jane Austen movies you should check out BBC’s North & South.