Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Do You Remember

Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


  1. Hey, I remember watching Wives and Daughters with you. But if I go back even further, I remember riding the bus home from elementary school . . .

    Hope you're doing well!

  2. Anonymous17 July, 2008

    Wow, Connie. This is a hard one. I really have so many great memories of you! I could say our 3 hour conversation last weekend, but that's too easy. I remember the first day I met you at Enterprise and you were training me. I remember freaking out about how beautiful your eyes were. But I preceded this comment by warning you that I wasn't "gay or anything". What a dork I am. :)

  3. Coming up with new words to shout at people on the road. Most of them creative and of course inappropriate.

    Getting sucked into shows like Lost and grey's anatomy and getting on the waiting list at the library to watch them for free. Late fees, Hungry Howie's pizza, when you finally sucked me into the twilight saga and I loving it stopped sleeping so I could read them,and because I read them. The Ward, Jim Halpert, connie dreams etc etc etc. Love ya Connie

  4. Bethany,
    I remember when a certain guy called you and wanted to sit by you at church. You DID NOT want to sit by him so you called me so I could help you out. Aren't you glad you don't have to deal with that anymore. :)

  5. You really are my hero Connie! Thanks for making me laugh!

  6. I stumbled across your blog and thought I would say HI! I don't know if you will remember me, but I used to eat lunch with you when i was a sophmore in High Gilbert High (: My name is Kim Heap. Crazy how everyone has blogs!! Let me know if you remember me...hehe

  7. Of course I remember you Kim. And I remember that we had seminary the same hour right after lunch and we would walk together. Thanks for leaving a comment. I hope you are doing good.

  8. This is a tough one indeed. For some reason the first memory coming to mind is when you and I tried to go out and have fun by going to Mill Avenue but it ended up being a horrible night and at one point we even thought we were driving down the wrong side of the road. I also just remembered when we decided that we needed to be friends with Brett again and we went to see him play at Bookmans. I still remember when he played Neely and when we both realized what the song was about we turned to each other and freaked out. Funny. But, there are a lot of good memories to choose from. Thanks for all the fun times. :)

  9. connie, remember when we went to san diego and had the most exciting road trip of our lives? and we met and became dazzled by an irish boy. and cried when hugh jackman came out on stage. and i grabbed your leg and squeezed when rob came over and started kissing me and THEN milo whisked you away too..... wait, maybe that last one didnt happen. but we were both thinking it.

  10. remember when you,alexis, and i went to savers to look for costumes and i tried on some super hot jeans with a tough looking jersey?

  11. Wow this is a long time after you posted this but I do have a one...(a memory that is)

    I was sitting in Sacrament Meeting in my ward in West Jordan and the missionary sitting on the stand sure did look a lot like my cousin Connie...and, hey, it was my cousin Connie. Whoda thunk?

